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唔係掛咁大棵吉  - 馬卡龍吉盆

小編的話: 平常的吉樹都超大的,小小的家表示無法容納,這棵吉樹給你放一放吧!放在枱上超喜慶的!送給親朋戚友更不用說吧,超可愛的!產品說明:全人手手工製作經餅師細心調配味道適中不會太甜,香脆鬆化,適合任何人。尺寸:每件約3.5cm數量:約36粒馬卡龍,還有小揮春小樹葉裝飾(選擇1即1棵)口味:橘香朱古力味注意:因為天氣及食材影響,成品與圖片顏色可能會有輕微出入,屬於無法避免的正常現象。介意者落單前請謹慎考慮。如有需要,歡迎Whatsapp 64322700 聯絡客服查詢。

唔係掛咁大棵吉 - 馬卡龍吉盆

顏色: 橙色

    remember. have to. since. prepare.
    purchase. thing. bag!

    From December 31, 2022,

    All products in this store will not actively attach insulation bags/plastic bags​
    If necessary, you can buy thermal bags at our store for $15/piece​ or plastic bags with a levy of $1/piece

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